Emoji Phrasebook™
Emoji Quizzes › Insects
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Scientists estimate that there are more than 200 million insects for each human being on the planet. How many of your creepy-crawly neighbors can you name from the emoji clues below?
1. 🪚🔨🐜 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
2. 🛏🪳 |
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3. 🏠🪰 |
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4. 🍎🍌🪰 |
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5. 🦌🪲 |
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6. 🐉🪰 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
7. 🥈🐟 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
8. 🔥🐜 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
9. 🐴🪰 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
10. 🍃✂️🐜 |
check_circleautorenewhelp |
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