Emoji Phrasebook™
Words, Phrases, & Sayings
Emojis for Insults
- Ambulance Chaser
- Angry Video Game Nerd
- Asswipe
- Backstabber
- Baka
- Ballbuster
- Bimbo
- Bloodsucker
- Blow Me
- Bozo
- Butt Face
- Butt Kisser
- Butt Monkey
- Butt-Licking Monkey
- Butterface
- Buttface
- Butthead
- Crazy Lady
- Creepy
- Cry Baby
- Crybaby
- Debbie Downer
- Degenerate
- Die in a Hole
- Dogwater
- Doofus
- Downright Liar
- Drama Queen
- Dumb
- Dumbass
- Dummy
- Dweeb
- Eat Dirt
- Eat My Farts
- Eat My Shorts
- Egghead
- Fool
- Get a Life
- Go Touch Some Grass
- Gold Digger
- Goober
- Hag
- Homebody
- Homewrecker
- I’m Smart, You Are Not
- I’ve Seen My Fair Share of Pricks, But You Sir, are the Whole Cactus
- Idiot
- Imp
- Jerk
- Karen
- L7 Weenie
- Loser
- Mama’s Boy
- Mook
- Mouse Brain
- Nerd
- Nincompoop
- Noob
- OK Boomer
- Party Pooper
- Poo Head
- Poop Head
- Poop King
- Poopy Head
- Poopy Pants
- Queen of Mean
- Rockhead
- Sausage Fingers
- Scaredy Cat
- Screw You
- Screw You and the Horse You Rode in On
- Simp
- Snowflake
- Stinky Boy
- Stinky Monkey
- Stop Rolling Your Eyes; It’s Not Like You’ll Find a Brain Back There
- Stupid
- Talk to the Hand
- Teacher’s Pet
- That’s Not What Your Mom Said Last Night
- Touch Grass
- Troll
- Ugly
- Wannabe
- Weirdo
- Yo Mama
- You are a Brick
- You Are a Snake
- You are an Ass
- You Are Dumb
- You are Less Fun Than Chess
- You Are Poop
- You are Stupid
- You Are Weird
- You Dumb
- You Dumbass
- You Eat Monkey Farts
- You Have No Brain
- You Have No Rizz
- You Idiot
- You Smell Like Death
- You Smell Stinky
- You Smell Strongly of Feet
- You Stink
- You Suck
- You’re a Clown
- You’re a Nerd
- You’re a Rat
- You’re an Idiot
- You’re Annoying
- You’re Bald!
- You’re Boring
- You’re More Disappointing Than an Unsalted Pretzel
- You’re Not A Clown, You’re the Entire Circus
- You’re Not Cool
- You’re Not Smart
- You’re Short
- You’re the Entire Circus
- Your Father
- Your Mom
- Your Mother